- Practitioners must bow to the flags when entering and leaving the Do-Jang (school)
- Practitioners must always bow to Sah-Bum-Nim (Master Instructor).
- Practitioners must use the words, “Sir”, or “Ma’am” when speaking to Instructors or elders.
- Conversation is not permitted in the Do-Jang.
- Practitioners must attend classes regularly for their own good.
- Practitioners must keep the Do-Jang and their Do-Bok (uniform) clean.
- Practitioners must be in class on time.
- Practitioners must not enter or leave the class without permission from Sah-Bum-Nim.
- Practitioners must respect and obey higher ranks.
- All practitioners are expected to be courteous and understanding. Advanced practitioners are expected to set good examples to new student and to assist them whenever necessary
- Practitioners must get Sah-Bum-Nim’s permission to engage in free sparring
- Practitioners must use protective gear (head gear, chest protector, groin protector, shin in-step guard, forearm guard and mouth piece) to engage in free sparring. The only target permitted in free sparring is the area covered by the chest protector.
- Practitioners must understand that only light contact is allowed to the head area, and only when proper headgear is used and only when the free sparring exercise is supervised by Sah-Bum-Nim.
- Practitioners must understand that there is to be absolutely no contact to the head during any unprotected exercise.
- Practitioners must take extra caution not to strike and make contact, light or otherwise, to the groin area at all times.
- The school, Sah-Bum-Nim, and instructors will not be responsible for any injuries, which occur during classes, training and free sparring.
- Practitioners must follow the five tenets of Taekwondo.
Disciplinary actions will be taken for any violation(s) of the above rules. Penalties will vary at the discretion of the Sah-Bum-Nim. Such penalties may include the possibility of rank demotion, suspension and/or termination of training privileges